Saturday, 8 March 2008

I almost forgot how it is to teach a typical busy "riding school Saturday"...

A couple of weeks ago I agreed to cover Saturday hours for an absent instructor at one of the riding schools and today was the day.
I must say, I almost forgot how it is to teach groups of 8 to 9 little people from 9am to 4pm! My throat is dying ("it's too windy, I can't hear!"), my legs are dying (from constant walking about as those precariously tipped riders didn't give me a chance to sit down even for a minute), my head is about to explode (still hear the never ending chatter of the weekend helpers and tens of children about - WHAT can you talk about 24/7?? It's m a d!)...anyway, I think you get the picture :)
Needless to say, I will think four times before agreeing to do such a cover again.

As much as I support the development of equestrianism and riding in general teaching of this sorts really isn't for me.
It's great to see people enjoying those lessons and, strangely enough, I did get a lot of satisfaction out of today's little breakthroughs and tries. However, on the long run, I am certain I would go bonkers! I would love to put all those riders on the lunge and give them a good one-to-one, they would be riding 100% better after a month.

Small groups, or better still private lessons and quality ,structured training - that's my world :)
Off I go now to collapse on my bed with some reading material. 9 am to 5.30pm day awaits tomorrow - thankfully, just small groups and private slots :)


Anonymous said...

Ahh, I know what you mean. I used to teach summer day camps at my stable; mornings were 12 kids ages 7 and up and 6 horses; afternoons were leadline "pony pal" camps with 6 4-6 year olds, and in the evenings I had two lessons of up to 5 students. It make for a loooong day! It was also nice when a couple of lesson students would cancel and I'd only have one or two--you can get sooo much more done that way.

Rising Rainbow said...

The barn where Rachel at at, the trainer gives group lessons twice a week. Just watching them makes me crazy. I have no idea how she does it and I have no intention of ever trying to accomplish it myself.

I'm glad you survived. I have the utmost respect for you making it through without killing someone. lol

Unknown said...

Jackie - it does make the day drag forever indeed!
Rising rainbow - I think you need to have some sort of switch off button to do it on a regular basis; it's just crazy.

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