Monday, 8 September 2008

UK Coaching Certificate (UKCC) - Level 2 and 3

Following my email to the BHS where I asked whether my Log Book arrived safely and about the UKCC for BHS Instructors I received their reply today. The Log Book landed on their desk with no problems and I now have to wait up to 6 weeks while the BHS writes to sample of people I logged in.

"With regard to the UKCC Level 2, as you passed your PTT prior to January 2007, you just need to attend one of our Train to Gain days which are being organised by the BHS Training Department. You will find information about where these are taking place and the cost and content on our webiste at"

I looked through the info available on the website but cannot find any fees...Here is what I did find:

UKCC Level Two 'Train to Gain' courses

Considering I am thinking of doing my BHSII next year (Intermediate Teaching (IT) test in February and Stage IV Riding in May) maybe it will be better to just wait until then and take a Level 3 straight away (if possible - need to email BHS again!).

Here is some information from the Pony Club (PCUK) website about for the Level 2 and 3 UKCC in Equestrian Sports

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