Thursday, 24 December 2015

355-358: Merry Christmas! Almost time to say goodbye...

Last hack before Christmas :) 

Almost time to say goodbye to this 365 posts a day in 2015. I will not be continuing to write frequently on here next year because of many other plans I have for 2016 but I will try to pop in with updates now and then.

And so it's Christmas ;) Another year has gone.

Due to personal matters, it has been the hardest one I have ever experienced regardless any other years where I may have thought the challenge was on. I have not and will not mix personal posts with my teaching diary posts and even though I prefer to say my thank yous in person it would seem bizarre to look back at these pages and not mention someone who has always been at the end of the phone for me. 

Thank you Suzanne. It was great to see you yesterday. There just aren't the right words to describe how grateful I am for your support (neither there are the right words to describe our fashion sense). Look forward to 2016! 

With Suzanne at Windsor Horse Show several years back ;)

A shock of a year it has been on one hand, it brought me some amazing experiences on the other hand. With all the disappointments, it also brought me the kind of people I would want to always have around. With all the anxiety, it brought me resilience I never thought I had.

Merry Christmas dear readers, riders, horse owners. Keep smiling. Keep trying. Keep failing. It works ;)

Best wishes,


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