Monday, 22 October 2007

Now reading...

...a book lend to me by a friend. It is called : What Horses Say: How to Hear, Help and Heal Them

I have only started so cannot yet give my opinion on the content. I will drop a line once I have finished.
Talking about finished books, I have just read one that Ricky bough for me last Christmas. I know it is quite long time ago but because I was quite familiar with the author and the content I was putting it aside for a while.

Perfect Partners: How to Be the Owner That Your Horse Would Choose for Himself
There are a few things I didn't know so it was an interesting read. What really stayed with me is a little detail. Apparently, there is a research done on the use of small holes haynets (those that suppose to make the hay last longer)...
...and it has been found out that horses strain and twist their neck muscles in an unnatural way when they try to grab and pull on bits of hay. I don't know much about this research but the idea is interesting.


Suzie said...

In my lesson today, my instructor told me a quote from Ferdi Eilberg, about the contact - it made me think of you. He apparently is known for saying that 'lightness is the end product, not the means of getting there.' John explained that only when the horse is truly working can it be light in the hand - we can't expect complete lightness until the horse is working correctly. Something to think about...!

Unknown said...

That is indeed very thought provoking...thank you.I really made sure I had a proper contact in trot today (just updated Wilastra's blog) and as she was quite strong at one point I really had to half-halt properly. Second later she just took the bit and started chewing it and really took me forward - it felt like she was really connected and when I gave her a leg I immediately felt this on the reins.
I will now need to check with the trainer if that is what she wants me to do...

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