Sunday, 29 June 2008

Why NOT to use barbed wire fencing with horses...

I see them all the time. Barbed wire all over the horses' fields. I hate it and having just seen the below at Fugly Of The Day blog I have to spread the word even more:

Barbed Wire Injury - a story of one filly

Please note that pictures in the link are not for fainthearted...go to page 1 to read full story in the link. Do look though and replace that barbed wire on your fields.


Rising Rainbow said...

I don't have to look, I know what barbed wired does to horses. I would never think of having my fields fenced with that stuff.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree barbed wire fences should be avoided. But also think it depends on the horse kept within. As a child and still learning how to care for horses we keep three ponies in a barbed wire paddock for many years with no injuries. TB's I have owned as an adult however I would never put in a barbed wire paddock..

Horse Riding

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