Friday, 5 December 2008

Mainland Day 2

They say a picture says more than a 1000 words. So I am snapping now and then - the problem is I am yet to transfer the photos onto computer here without buggering said computer so I will add the pics once all is safely arranged for.
My cough is driving me crazy to say the least but it's slowly going after all the liquids my dear dad pours into me (no, not alcohol but various *traditional healing liquids*). One of them is made of onion (raw onion which I just cannot stand, makes me feel sick) - you cut it, you put it in a small ceramic container, cover with sugar and let the juices run for several hours creating a thick syrup. It's yuk but it works (or it's a placebo effect but either way who cares if it works).
I am being spoilt rotten. Got a smashing breakfast with freshly squeezed carrot juice to bed (I love carrot juice), watched some National Geographic tv with my mum (I love nature progs!) and I have to be careful that I don't get too lazy ;)
What else?
Bought a couple of fab breeches (the shop I always go to when I am here has some great German brands that don't seem to be sold anywhere else and are so comfy and warm - Kyron and Parkur) and spent a while browsing horsey stuff. Got some magazines and a book as well as per usual!

Also, just had a lovely roast chicken for dinner.
I'm still language confused. Keep putting English words in now and then.


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