Sunday, 14 June 2009

Just came back from Hospital

So my toothache didn't get better. In fact, it got worse. Didn't sleep at all last night, basically spent it sitting on the floor staring at nothingness not knowing what to do with myself (preferably hit the floor with my head in some sort of repetitive fashion). My lower jaw is really swollen and there is something sinister going on :(
Morning came and the pain got a little more bearable so I set off to work. The day passed in a bit of a haze, not quite sure how but I somewhat managed to get to the end without screaming.

I am one of those people who just work through the pain but one of my evening riders decided to take control over the situation, told me not to be a martyr but a wimp and drove me straight to Emergency department at Chelsea & Westminster hospital. (Thank you ever so much Amber!!xxx).
And good thing she did as it seems I have a nasty infection going on. The waiting was agonising, almost 3 hours of sitting on one of those super uncomfortable metal chairs absently watching a nature programme on the telly. Ricky came to keep me company and so I didn't have to go back on my own.
I'm now home feeling a bit dizzy after doses of antibiotics and super strong pain killers and I am really hoping for pain free night. 


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