Thursday, 25 June 2009

Rising trot marathon and shoulder-in on a frying pan

If I had to teach one more person how to do rising trot or how to turn I think I would have to cry. There is only as many beginner lessons I can cope with on one day. Just in case you are not in South East of England right now, let me tell you, it's hot. Mega hot. The arena felt like a frying pan and as most of my riders were beginners I couldn't sit in a shade now and then as they need constant attention. 
By 5pm I was spent to the ground. Just bought a new pair of shoes after my old one decided to grow holes and split soles and it takes a while the wear them in. It hurts to walk and I walked fair bit today. Anyway, without moaning any further...;)

My last lesson of the day was thankfully with livery clients working on a brief as I was being given some pointers towards my Intermediate teaching exam. The brief was to work on improving the horses' way of going incorporating leg yield, shoulder-in, counter canter and end up with a grid work. It was rather packed with exercises but riders seemed to enjoy themselves and it was good to have colleague's feedback as it's often hard to assess oneself!
I then stayed a little to observe some other instructors teaching and riders working their horses as I was too knackered to set off home straight away.

I'm totally pooped now. Going to perform minimal movements and read my new Horse magazine that arrived through the post today. 
I am hoping for a not so sun feisty day tomorrow as I am running a Training Day for two super ladies and hard work is on schedule!

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