Any feedback welcome. I really wish I could do it better but it takes such a long time to choose the frames and make sure the music runs more or less synchronised with images etc etc that I find myself being too tired to learn more about video editing. It will have to be learning on the job.
My week has been slightly turned upside down. As any freelancer knows, if any of your yards isn't busy enough to warrant your presence you will be cancelled. This is what I ended up with this week at one of the centres but then the other one asked for me urgently so I covered the hours there. I had to ask them to ring me first thing in the morning as I'm never fully awake before 7am and I am pretty sure I would just take a train to my regular Wednesday & Thu work by default. All went well though and I had a rather easy and well paid couple of days with very little running around. How I would love not to travel around so much, it makes such a difference to the amount of work & riding I can fit in outside of teaching.
The case studying for Academy continues with lessons and variety of sessions on the go. The website is truly nearing completion with some wonderful help from friends and riders who have been giving a hand with proof reading, translating (we will launch in a few different languages), promotion and just generally providing constructive critique whenever they can. Without all this help the job of getting the project up and running might have been beyond my capabilities.
Pic.: Pauline (case studying Development Programme) having a chiro session with Kari.
I also had a go at these exercises to test them and see where my own weaknesses lie. Due to my long term injury I have fairly strong left-right imbalance which I am very aware of and I am on the mission to decrease it. I don't know how perceivable it is to an average onlooker but I can certainly feel it. I have a set of exercises to do which I started on Tue and we shall see how it goes :)
On a less horsey subject I have been trying to organise to go shopping for a dress as Rick and I are off for a family wedding in the beginning of July. I don't actually mind trying things on and wearing a non-riding clothes is somewhat a fresh novelty nowadays. However, the shopping experience as in running around and trying to find something I actually like and then have the energy to put it on..suffice to say I probably go clothes shopping twice a year!
Thanks to a fab friend of mine who actually works in fashion I had a rather different experience this time. I totally understand now why one would want to enlist a personal designer/shopper. It's stress free, it's [almost] fun and it doesn't feel like much of a hardship at all!
So just to prove the jodphurs and polo shirts aren't actually glued to me permanently, here is a sneaky shot of the dress I chose and which I took for my mum who likes to spy on things I do ;)
On a less horsey subject I have been trying to organise to go shopping for a dress as Rick and I are off for a family wedding in the beginning of July. I don't actually mind trying things on and wearing a non-riding clothes is somewhat a fresh novelty nowadays. However, the shopping experience as in running around and trying to find something I actually like and then have the energy to put it on..suffice to say I probably go clothes shopping twice a year!
Thanks to a fab friend of mine who actually works in fashion I had a rather different experience this time. I totally understand now why one would want to enlist a personal designer/shopper. It's stress free, it's [almost] fun and it doesn't feel like much of a hardship at all!
So just to prove the jodphurs and polo shirts aren't actually glued to me permanently, here is a sneaky shot of the dress I chose and which I took for my mum who likes to spy on things I do ;)
Very Chic!
:) It's very simple really but that's how I like it :)
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