Saturday, 20 December 2008

Jingle bells, jingle bells

I gave all my lessons today to various Christmas songs of which Jingle Bells seemed to have been most popular. It still rings in my head!
Then spent the evening laughing lots with some lovely, crazy horsey people ;) I will so miss days like today...

P.S. [after reading the comments below and a few emails]: Oops, looks like I must avoid my unfinished thoughts on here as they seem to cause a bit of concern.


magda said...

dlaczego bedzie Ci brakowalo takich dni? rezygnujesz z pracy???? ja sie nie zgadzam:( !!!

Daun said...

What do you mean you will miss days like this? What's going on in a month and a half? Are you leaving teaching????

Ack! What's going on???

Unknown said...

Magda - nie, nie rezygnuje z pracy, no worries! (jak na razie) :)

I will never give up teaching, Daun :) And actually, I was about to leave you a kick-up-your-backside comment seeing some of your latest posts but thankfully you're back in the saddle! :)

I said I will miss days like those as everything goes forward, moments pass, for some reasons, which I won't blog about now, some things will change soon. It's nothing bad in the grand scheme of things, it's just a journey where we make choices and exchange something for something. Inevitably some things go, some stay.

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