Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Reading This Week - Dressage with Kyra Kyrklund

Here's my new reading project for this week:

I seem to be reading too many things in the same time. Typical of my greedy reading nature ;)
Off to work in a moment (please rain - don't fall) - just hope my cough doesn't get worse as my parents will give me talking to if I go over to see them being ill ;)


Back in the saddle said...

Oh! Great! Will you please tell me what you thought of this book? I was considering buying it but I have to order it through the Web and there's no way for me to flip through the pages to see if it's appropriate for my level (Have been riding for 1 year+, lots of lateral work, shoulder and haunches in, just now starting exercises on the canter). Thanks! Enjoy your family visit and the upcoming holidays!

Unknown said...

I will post a little review when I've finished the book but so far it's a great read!

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