Monday, 29 June 2009

BHS Intermediate Teaching exam - Lessons Plan for the required Subjects

I am sitting here taking full advantage of the world wide web. If I could multiply the time so I could spend more time on reading and videos watching I would do so in an instant :)
For those of you who wonder what are the subjects required for the Intermediate Teaching exam here is the list:

1. The importance of self reflexion, CPD (Continual Professional Development), managing own progress. Any of the following subjects are suitable for the inclusion:
  • how feedback can be used to assist self reflexion and CPD
  • criteria that is suitable to evaluate coaching performance
  • how to improve future coaching performance
  • methods of keeping up to date with coaching developments
  • the benefits of reviewing coaching sessions
  • the importance of evaluating personal coaching strengths and weaknesses
  • how to compile a professional development action plan
  • the benefits of the register Of Instructors
  • inexpensive, practical methods of developing coaching skills and knowledge
  • how to support other caches in designing and self-implementing CPD
2. Phases of a coaching programme: pre-season, preparatory, competition, post-competition. It is suggested that any of the following subjects are suitable for inclusion within the discussion on phases of a coaching programme: 
  • physical, technical, tactical and mental preparation
  • physical, technical, tactical and mental performance
  • how good planning and preparation of a coaching programme reduces rider and horse injuries
3. Obtaining and using feedback
  • types of feedback
  • the effects of positive and negative feedback
  • the components of good feedback
  • the use of scientific methods of feedback
  • how technology can assist in providing feedback
  • non-verbal methods of feedback e.g. body language, facial expressions
  • how perception affects feedback
  • the importance of good listening skills when giving and receiving feedback
  • the use of reflective logs or journals as a method of feedback
  • methods to ensure that the content of feedback has been understood correctly
  • how to use feedback when action planning or agreeing new goals
  • how to use feedback to adapt goals
  • parties that could be included in the feedback process e.g spectators, parents
  • the pitfalls of external involvement in the feedback process e.g. parents
  • how feedback affects motivation
4. Managing a coaching programme (supporting and monitoring)
  • factors that need to be considered before beginning a coaching programme
  • planning activities and exercises in order to meet the needs and goals of participants
  • health and safety issues, including risk assessment, first aid and child protection issues
  • responsibility for equipment, facilities, allocation of horses and other resources
  • the need to observe and monitor activities to ensure standards are maintained and weaknesses in the programme or training are identified
  • the sharing of good practice
  • appropriate ethical, moral and behavioural guidelines
  • the importance of feedback, communication and liaison between coaching teams and participants
  • reasons for modifying and adapting coaching programmes
  • the importance of accurate and up to date record keeping 
  • designing a programme that incorporates coaching styles that are compatible with the learning styles and experience of the participants
  • the importance of promoting self-esteem and confidence in coaching teams
  • suitable methods of reviewing a coaching programme
5. How to empower participants
  • what we mean by term 'empowerment'
  • methods and techniques that empower participants
  • barriers to empowerment
  • personal responsibility and ownership of learning and development
  • health and safety implications of empowering staff members
  • the relationship between empowerment, delegation, authority and responsibility
  • how to increase the coaches ability to become more self-reliant
6. Physical and mental preparation for a session
  • the benefits of mental preparation for a training session or competition
  • the benefits of physical preparation for a training sessions or competition
  • how poor mental preparation can effect performance in training sessions or competitions
  • the importance of a training plan/ structure as part of mental and physical preparation
  • how good mental and physical preparation helps to prevent stress and anxiety
  • the effects of over training
  • factors that need to be built into a physical or/and mental preparation structure
7. Motivation - what it is and how to use it
  • types of motivation
  • motivational theory
  • techniques suitable for motivating young or children riders
  • how positive and negative feedback affects motivation
  • barriers to motivation
  • types of goal setting, its effect on motivation
  • intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors
  • how peer pressure effects motivation
8. Rider injuries not related to falls
  • the importance of identifying proper/safe riding techniques in order to reduce the risk of injuries
  • the importance of warm up and warm down
  • how to prevent injuries in horse riders
  • the importance of setting realistic goals suitable for the rider's fitness level and skill set
  • the most common rider injuries and symptoms - unrelated to falls
  • what causes injury? including extrinsic or intrinsic risk factors
  • the importance of using and maintaining safety equipment
  • how risk assessments help to prevent injuries
  • professional help and guidelines available in the treatment and rehabilitation or sports related injuries e.g. GP consultation and referral, sports physiotherapist, osteopathy etc
  • the use of essential protective equipment including gloves, footwear that provides support and protection for your feet and protective headwear to reduce the risk of serious head injuries
9. Positive reinforcement
  • the importance of acknowledging and praising effort as well as results
  • why mixing praise with criticism can devalue the message
  • how to promote desired behaviour and/or skills
  • positive reinforcement and its effects on confidence
  • the effects of positive reinforcement on behaviour and skill
  • how positive reinforcement improves performance and reduces errors
10. Mentoring
  • how mentoring can help individuals to recognise and maximise their potential
  • the skills and attributes of a good mentor
  • how mentoring helps to raise awareness and generate personal responsibility
  • the importance of encouraging the mentee to explore options and make choices for themselves 
  • informal versus formal mentoring practice
  • personal qualities of a good mentor e.g. empathy, respect
  • the importance of reflective practice and continuing professional development of the mentor
  • the relevance of ethical and moral values when mentoring
  • the importance of confidentiality
  • the differences between coaching, teaching and mentoring 


S. Lauren said...

Wow that's a lot of information to absorb and know! Good luck with your test!

Unknown said...

Thank you! There is a lot more - eek!!

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