Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Sooo coooold!

I will probably repeat myself over and over again this winter but - it's SO COLD! I've just came back from Ealing RS and am sitting here trying to warm up, wrapped in blankets. Oh and I am stuffing myself with chocolates from a crazy friend from Italy whom I met up with this morning. We spent several hours chatting about teaching methods and horses making other people in a coffee shop look at us with some bewilderment. You can't beat Italians when it comes to conversations! ;)
M. is an incredibly committed instructor with a rather excellent CV who just got a job at quite an interesting place in Scotland (The Scottish Equestrian Centre - Gleneagles) - hence her reappearance in England - so everything crossed for her settling in well!! I will finally have a very good reason to visit Scottish Isles :)


Mak said...

:) happy you're enjoying my chocolate...
I'm catching up only now with internet, what a surprise find a word spent over the crazy italian... you make me looking good ;)
I have to say that yes, if we had got another half day (or another full day!) we could have been chatting stopping just to order another latte!!!!
that's a thing I love of our job, you never stop to get interested in it, there's so much to working on. And especially when the other part is so highly devoted to proper Riding and Equitation is such a pleasure...
;) see you in Scotland then!!

Unknown said...

Chocolate was awesome! :):) I'm not making you look good - you are good! Since you have free Internet now I am expecting lots of updates...
See you in Scotland indeed :)xx

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