Sunday, 30 September 2007

Interesting reading materials

I have been browsing the Internet a little today, reading this and that - mainly equestrian related since I seem to be very much so addicted to the subject ;)
There were quite a few things that may be interesting to some of you reading so I rearranged the panel on the left and added some more links and blog links.
My recent pet subject is riding fitness and here is an article I have been reading today:

My particular interest in Pilates stems from the fact that various researches, coaches and trainers came to the conclusion that the better the core stability the better the riding. Pilates works primarily on your core stability.

What happens if you lack core stability when riding?

Above are a couple of pictures from yet another article which can be read in full on
Riding from the Inside out Thinking & exercising your way to better riding.
The article is written by by Lisa Champion, MSc (Exercise Science) and Anna-Louise Bouvier*, BachAppSc(Phty) MAPA Physiotherapist. In conjunction with Larissa Chadwick, Grand Prix Rider and NCAS Level 1 Coach.

Also, below, I embedded a couple of videos of lovely freestyle programmes - just because they are beautiful and I am fascinated by dressage to music :)

Anky Van Grunsven on Salinero & Andreas Helgstrand on Blue Hors Matine & at WEG 2006



Suzie said...

I am also very interested in pilates as I have terrible posture problems. I shall take a look at your links here.

I love the idea of this blog - good luck with your work!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I have been reading yours as also have a youngster to bring on. She is owned by someone else though and I keep her training diary at:

Anonymous said...

Wiola! Hi, this is Keri from the Equus Ink. :] I looked at your website; its wonderful! I have enjoyed reading some of your posts here on your blog and hope to exchange information with you sometime. You seem like a dedicated, honest horse-woman, and I hope you continue to blog.
Wishing the best,

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