Monday, 14 January 2008

UK Coaching Certificate - what is it and why to go for it?

One of my aims this year is to take Level 2 (and maybe 3 if I am feeling brave) UKCC for Equestrian Sports. It is a very interesting qualification as it focuses on a non-sport specific coaching knowledge - something that horse sports specific qualifications are short of.
Quite a few people have asked me recently what is the UKCC all about so I decided I may as well write a post on it.

"The UKCC is not a qualification in its own right, but is an endorsement of existing or new qualifications" [Bristish Horse Society].


PRESENTATION BY ABRS: INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHEME and LEVEL 2 (BHSPT/AI Instructors can take this qualification).

PRESENTATION BY BRITISH DRESSAGE: INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHEME and LEVEL 3 (part of new, planned BHSII qualification; only the Intermediate Teaching Test will be affected, Riding & Stable Management sections will remain as they are)

A pilot scheme and assessment for BHS instructors was held last year at Gleneagles Equestrian Centre. You can read more about it on here: BHS qualified Instructors gain first UKCC Level 2 endorsement.

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