Sunday, 6 September 2009

Organising continues and lovely Sunday

You will all be bored to the limits with all the little Kingsley updates ;) He is definitely calming down and we managed to lunge him today without speeding too much. I lunge him not because he isn't broken in but because I want to re-break him as far as his understanding of aids and balance goes. As you can see from video below he is very much upside down and being a naturally rather tense and excitable horse he works with tense, hollow back. Neither is he familiar with vocal commands which is so useful later when schooling from the saddle to avoid unnecessary pulling on the reins.
The plan now is to lunge him on a chambon to encourage him to stretch and move with a steady rhythm in a longer, lower frame.

About chambon:

5th Spt lunge session (chambon wasn't attached so you can see his natural way of going here):

I ordered Baileys No4 Top Line Conditioning Cubes for little man and he will be on about 2.9kg of those and 8.7kg of forage and we will re evaluate after 30 days to see if this combination suits him. He is also on Linseed Oil as although he seems shiny on pictures his skin is in fact very flaky and scruffy. It's getting better as he is having daily thorough groom now both from me and his new mummy.
I should add on here how very grateful I am to have this lovely little chap to work with and bring on. It would not be possible without Pauline who bought Kingsley and who hopefully will have a fabulous time with him learning more and more. I am looking forward to seeing both the horse getting better and better and Pauline to have the best of experiences with it. Big, big thank you to P. for everything xxx

While I was having one of my lovely Sundays with most of my regular clients returning from their summer holiday trips, Pauline spent a day pampering Kingsley and organising various bits and pieces for his stable. By the sound of it she had a super day too :)


Anonymous said...

Don't mind Kingsley updates at all - please keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

You are so very welcome Wiola :)

Owning a horse again is something I have wanted for a long time but needed a little push to get on with it !
My riding and my enjoyment of riding has improved and increased an absolutely massive amount due to you. Its a real pleasure to have this project to work on together.

Pauline xxx

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