Saturday, 15 August 2009

Subject to Vetting Take 2!

Fast pace day today. Not a great start as my train was delayed so I missed the next connecting one which made me half an hour late for work.
After some early morning lessons I then spent the rest of the day running one of my Intensive Training Day for Pauline. She is now at a stage when she is learning how to ride a horse to the contact and put it on the bit as well as pushing her riding fitness levels. The session on light seat and jumping seemed to worn my poor rider out ;) More of those needed!

Over the years I noticed that many riders, when they are first taught poll flexion and jaw flexion, go through a stage of riding with straight arms and very low hands in a desperate attempt to keep the horse 'round'. We had a bit of the same problem today but we are working on it. It's the case of what the legs and seat didn't manage to produce the hand tries to correct so the main focus today was on understanding the need for creating energy rather than speed and sending it to the bit rather than creating standalone jaw flexion.

Working day over Pauline and I went to view a horse that is a potential project for us to have a bit of fun with as well as being a potential horse for the Equestrian Academy project.
Little horse went really well, he is by no means perfect but is nice enough, have a lovely attitude to work being also responsive and very sweet natured. We are going to have him vetted and providing that goes well he will be bought.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the vetting!

Unknown said...

Thank you! I'm trying not to get excited about it and almost keep myself a bit detached until he passes the vetting. We only have a very small budget so the horses I tried all have a problem here and there - this is why we are having 5 stage vetting done and the aim is to analyse the problem(s) and determine how(and if) detrimental they might be in horse's later life. So fingers tightly crossed but no jumping around until we have a vet certificate.

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