Monday, 2 February 2009

So I am 30 today and the world grind to a halt

Literally! ("biggest snow fall in 18 years").

It's been great to play with the snow today but the bad news is that if the weather continues as it is now I will most likely end up with no work for a work for a week for a freelance instructor is one of the worst possible working scenarios.
So fingers crossed the weather eases up...


So I am one year older. Maybe one year wiser. Or maybe just learned how to cover up better for own stupidity.
It's been interesting 30 years...;) A bit of walking in circles at times but as we all know it's a good supplying exercise ;)

The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. John Dewey

I have a few birthday wishes for myself...

I want Ricky to always play his guitar for me...because he knows the notes that make the music of my life come alive. And without those notes all there is left is justthe sound of someone hitting the strings...

I want my family closer to me more often. They know the steps I sometimes forget.

I want to enjoy life with my friends and well wishing people for they make the best dance room there is.

I wish my special little friend to always be somewhere around. She helps me write my best songs.

I want never ever to loose sight of my dreams again. They keep me dancing.

And finally, after this selfish list, I wish I can keep all the important people in my life singing their own music happily.

Thank you all for your calls and txts and for remembering about my little birthday :)


Faith said...

Happy Birthday!

(love your blog and outlook on life, btw)

Enjoy you snow filled day!

Unknown said...

Many Thanks Faith :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy a snow day and getting your birthday off, but I hope you can get back to work soon.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jackie :) I am back to work tomorrow so that's good!

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