Friday, 31 July 2009

Best way to piaffe

Pic.above: Kiran getting her horse ready for our 2h hack. In B&W as I overexposed the photo and it looks better without colour. Grooming develops such a bond between the rider and the horse which is why I always include it in a Training Day. Think this photo captures it well...

Very pleasant day today with plenty of sunshine. Ran Training Day for Kiran who is becoming more and more confident. The aim for today's sessions was to improve Kiran's 1) ability to maintain the given tempo of the trot while working over the poles and 2) riding fitness. To achieve the latter I am starting Kiran on a '2 hours hacking programme' ;)
The rider itself enjoyed the experience very much so. Her bottom less so ;)

Below is a short video from our lovely relaxing hack. For my horse relaxing meant 'keep me moving'. Every time I tried stopping he would go into perfect little piaffe - who said Thoroughbreds can't do Grand Prix movements? ;) I must have to try to video him doing it at some point.

Another Training Day tomorrow.

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