Sunday, 19 July 2009

Old books on Horsemanship! And an Elementary Dressage Test from 1994

While waiting for Suzanne to give me a lift after work I started browsing some old books at the yard and what fun it was to look at those photos!

Journey back in time

These tests are from when the British Horse Society was a governing body of Dressage in the Uk (now this is in the hands of British Dressage)

Tiredness continues and my plan for tonight is to hit the pillows as early as possible and rest my brain cells.
Felt very sleepy today throughout the day but this is usually the effect of stress or an adrenaline expectation seems to have on me! Talking about old times - I remember one National show-jumping show I went to ages ago, it was my last chance to qualify for my licence for higher classes (it was in Poland and I am too tired to explain the Junior points system back then ;) and I spent entire journey in the lorry yawning like mad. Body going into stand by mode? ;)

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