Monday, 20 April 2009

Just short musings on my day off

Quote of the Day
Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.
Sigmund Freud 

Lots of sleep today, followed by lots of walking around West London, followed by lots of talking on house move and life in general, some coffee and some food in the meantime, followed by more walking and more talking. 
Feeling rather down today, the *I will never make it* day. The *should I just pack my bags and go back to where I came from...where I could do more with the full support of my family* day... I don't *seriously* think that (too stubborn for that, me!) but I am sure at least some of you will know what I mean. The stupid self-pity day when you would want someone to help you but the sad truth is you are in it on your own. What is bad is that I keep having more and more of days like this and I am missing my self-driven self. 
Yet again, giving up would mean failing and that's not on my agenda.
But the going isn't too good right now.

I am only writing all this now so hopefully, a few years on, I will look back and think 'you silly old cow, you shouldn't have worried, see everything turned out to be just fine'...
Fingers crossed.
Very tight.



English Rider said...

Know that you are striving in a time that is remarkable for the number of people who gave up already. One foot in front of the other, those of us who believe in the future must create our own momentum one small agonised step at a time. See you at the summit!

Unknown said...

Thank you :) And yes, see you at the summit ( I hope!).

Anonymous said...

Remember achivements are sweeter when you go through hell to get there! Do not get down now,even if
these bleak thoughts overpower you completely! Good days, bad days, all come and go! Chances are, next day will be different, metaphorically speaking of course! Next time I see you, I expect a smiling you! It suits you!!

Unknown said...

Thank you Anonymous, whoever you are I guess you must know me - I will now have to go around smiling to everybody, oh dear!
You're right though and guess when you are going through hell all you have to do is keep going...

English Rider said...

There is a country song which I like for the message. Paraphrasing: If you're going through Hell, keep on going. If you're lucky you'll get through it before the Devil even knows you're there.

Unknown said...

Good one!

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